favorabilia in lege sunt fiscus, dos, vita, libertas

favorabilia in lege sunt fiscus, dos, vita, libertas
Favorites of the law are the revenue, dower, life, and liberty.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • favorabilia in lege sunt fiscus, dos, vita, libertas — /feyvarabil(i)ya in liyjiy sant fiskas, dows, vayta, libartses/ Things favorably considered in law are the treasury, dower, life, liberty …   Black's law dictionary

  • Favorabilia in lege sunt vita, fiscus, dos, libertas — Life, the revenue, dower and liberty are favorites of the law. State ex rel. Corporation Com. v Dunn, 174 NC 679, 94 SE 481 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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