eyewitness testimony

eyewitness testimony
Testimony by a witness to what he has seen. See eyewitness.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Eyewitness testimony — Research in eyewitness testimony is mostly considered a subfield within legal psychology, it is however a field with very broad implications. Normally are human reports based on visual perception believed to be very reliable (if not irrefutable) …   Wikipedia

  • Eyewitness identification — evidence is the leading cause of wrongful conviction in the United States. Of the more than 200 people exonerated by way of DNA evidence in the US, over 75% were wrongfully convicted on the basis of erroneous eyewitness identification evidence. [ …   Wikipedia

  • Testimony of the Evangelist — The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice or simply The Testimony of the Evangelists is an 1846 Christian apologetic work by Simon Greenleaf, a principal founder of the Harvard Law School …   Wikipedia

  • Свидетельские показания очевидцев (eyewitness testimony) — Очевидцы события рассказывают о том, что им удалось воспринять; кроме того, они могут сообщить о данном событии только то, что помнят. Поэтому при оценке полноты и достоверности С. п. о. необходимо учитывать особенности восприятия и памяти. С. п …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Testimony — Testify redirects here. For other uses, see Testify (disambiguation) and Testimony (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • testimony — noun 1 formal statement that sth is true ADJECTIVE ▪ credible, reliable ▪ uncorroborated ▪ false, perjured ▪ sworn ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • testimony */ — UK [ˈtestɪmənɪ] / US [ˈtestəˌmoʊnɪ] noun Word forms testimony : singular testimony plural testimonies 1) [countable/uncountable] a formal statement about something that you saw, know, or experienced, usually given in a court of law… …   English dictionary

  • eyewitness — Luke claims (Luke 1:2) to be relying on the evidence of eyewitnesses; and the author of 2 Pet. (1:16) implies that he was an eyewitness at the Transfiguration [[➝ transfiguration]] of Jesus. The latter is part of his apparatus of pseudonymity: it …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • eyewitness — eye|wit|ness [ˈaıˌwıtnıs] n someone who has seen something such as a crime happen, and is able to describe it afterwards eyewitness account/report/testimony ▪ According to eyewitness accounts, soldiers opened fire on the crowd. ▪ One eyewitness… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • testimony — tes|ti|mo|ny [ testə,mouni ] noun * 1. ) count or uncount a formal statement about something that you saw, know, or experienced, usually given in a court of law: I was asked to give testimony. eyewitness/expert testimony 2. ) singular or uncount… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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