extraordinary remedies

extraordinary remedies
Remedies, developed by the application of common-law or prerogative writs and confirmed with modifications by statute, intended to make available types of relief not obtainable in an ordinary action in law or equity, most notable of which are those employed in reference to the acts and determinations of administrative agencies:-certiorari, mandamus, and prohibition. 2 Am J2d Admin L § 708. Other administrative remedies:–assistance under writ, 6 Am J2d Assist § 1; quo warranto or proceeding in the nature of quo warranto, Casey v McElrath, 177 Ga 35, 169 SE 342; and receivership. Prudential Securities Co. v Three Forks, H.& N.V.R. Co. 49 Mont 567, 144 P 158.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • extraordinary remedies — The writs of mandamus (writ of mandamus), quo warranto, habeas corpus, and some others are often classified or termed extraordinary remedies, in contradistinction to the ordinary remedy by action. Under Rules practice in the federal courts and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • extraordinary remedies — The writs of mandamus (writ of mandamus), quo warranto, habeas corpus, and some others are often classified or termed extraordinary remedies, in contradistinction to the ordinary remedy by action. Under Rules practice in the federal courts and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES — Extrajudicial Remedies As in other ancient civilizations, the earliest method of vindicating violated rights under biblical law was self redress. A burglar at night may be killed on the spot (Ex. 22:1), life may be taken for life (see blood… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Extraordinary — Ex*traor di*na*ry, a. [L. extraordinarius; extra on the outside + ordinarius: cf. F. extraordinaire. See {Ordinary}.] 1. Beyond or out of the common order or method; not usual, customary, regular, or ordinary; as, extraordinary evils;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • extraordinary — Out of the ordinary; exceeding the usual, average, or normal measure or degree; beyond or out of the common order, method, or rule; not usual, regular, or of a customary kind; remarkable; uncommon; rare; employed for an exceptional purpose or on… …   Black's law dictionary

  • extraordinary writs — See extraordinary remedies …   Black's law dictionary

  • extraordinary writs — See extraordinary remedies …   Black's law dictionary

  • extraordinary proceedings — See extraordinary remedies …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • World of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen — The world of The League of Extraordinary Gentleman is a fictional universe created by Alan Moore in the comic book series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen , where all of the characters and events from literature (and possibly the entirety of …   Wikipedia

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