extra session
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extra session — After a Legislature has adjourned or prorogued, it may be recalled for an additional session by the Governor to deal with matters which could not be considered during the regular term. Also, a court may provide additional court sessions to… … Black's law dictionary
extra session — After a Legislature has adjourned or prorogued, it may be recalled for an additional session by the Governor to deal with matters which could not be considered during the regular term. Also, a court may provide additional court sessions to… … Black's law dictionary
session — The sitting of a court, legislature, council, commission, etc., for the transaction of its proper business. Hence, the period of time, within any one day, during which such body is assembled in form, and engaged in the transaction of business, or … Black's law dictionary
Session-At-Once — (SAO) ist eine Disc at once Aufzeichnungsmethode für CDs und DVDs, bei der eine Session geschrieben wird, ohne den Laser auszuschalten oder neuzujustieren. Im SAO Modus kann ein sogenannter B0 Pointer gesetzt werden. Dann wird das Medium nicht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Session-at-Once — (SAO) ist eine Aufzeichnungsmethode für CDs und DVDs, bei der eine Session geschrieben wird, ohne den Laser auszuschalten oder neuzujustieren. Die Methode ähnelt der von Disc at once, mit dem Unterschied, dass ein sogenannter B0 Pointer gesetzt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Session (computer science) — In computer science, in particular networking, a session is a semi permanent interactive information interchange, also known as a dialogue, a conversation or a meeting, between two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and user… … Wikipedia
Session (Schweiz) — Nordfassade des Bundeshauses Session ist die Bezeichnung des Zeitraums, in dem die Tagungen der beiden schweizerischen Parlamentskammern Nationalrat und Ständerat stattfinden. Die beiden Parlamentskammern tagen in der Regel vier Mal im Jahr für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Extra-judicial killing — For extrajudicial executions see also Assassination Extra judicial killings are the illegal killing of leading political, trades union, dissidents, and social figures by either the state government, state authorities like the armed forces and… … Wikipedia
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus — Outside the Church there is no salvation redirects here. The Latin phrase Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus means: Outside the Church there is no salvation . The most recent Catholic Catechism interpreted this to mean that all salvation comes from… … Wikipedia
extraordinary session — A legislative session, called usually by the governor, which meets in the interval between regular sessions to handle specific legislation. In most states such sessions are limited to the consideration of matters specified in the governor s call … Black's law dictionary