- executio bonorum
- The administration or management of goods.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
executio bonorum — /eksakyuwsh(iy)ow banoram/ In old English law, management or administration of goods. Ad ecclesiam et ad amicos pertinebit executio bonorum, the execution of the goods shall belong to the church and to the friends of the deceased … Black's law dictionary
executio bonorum — /eksakyuwsh(iy)ow banoram/ In old English law, management or administration of goods. Ad ecclesiam et ad amicos pertinebit executio bonorum, the execution of the goods shall belong to the church and to the friends of the deceased … Black's law dictionary
poursuite — Poursuite, ou Pourchas, Persecutio. Tout le cours et poursuite de mon travail est mis et employé, etc. Omne curriculum industriae nostrae elaboratum in foro. Poursuite et denombrement, Executio. Poursuite et diligence de faire quelque chose,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse