Eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur
- Eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur
An obligation which arises in contract or quasi contract is dissolved in the same manner in which it is contracted.
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eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur — /iyaysdam mowdas dazolvatar 6blageysh(iy)ow kwiy naesatsr eks kantraekt(y)uw, vel kweysay, kwibas kantrey(h)atar/ An obligation which arises from contract, or quasi contract, is dissolved in the same ways in which it is contracted … Black's law dictionary
eisdem modis dissolvitur obligatio quae nascitur ex contractu, vel quasi, quibus contrahitur — /iyaysdam mowdas dazolvatar 6blageysh(iy)ow kwiy naesatsr eks kantraekt(y)uw, vel kweysay, kwibas kantrey(h)atar/ An obligation which arises from contract, or quasi contract, is dissolved in the same ways in which it is contracted … Black's law dictionary
obligation — ob·li·ga·tion /ˌä blə gā shən/ n 1: a promise, acknowledgment, or agreement (as a contract) that binds one to a specific performance (as payment); also: the binding power of such an agreement or indication held that the amendment did not… … Law dictionary
contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… … Law dictionary
Foakes v Beer — House of Lords Entschieden am 1. April 1884 Vollständiger Name: John Weston Foakes v Julia Beer Fundstellen … Deutsch Wikipedia