dower ad ostium ecclesiae

dower ad ostium ecclesiae
Dower at the door of the church,–a form of dower given openly at the time of a marriage ceremony, at the very door of the church wherein the marriage was celebrated by a tenant in fee simple of full age, who after "affiance made and troth plighted," endowed his wife with the whole or a part of his lands, publicly specifying her portion in such manner that after his death she might enter upon the same without further ceremony.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • dower ad ostium ecclesiae — /dawar id ostiyam akliyziyiy/ Dower at the church door or porch. An ancient kind of dower in England, where a man (being tenant in fee simple, of full age), openly at the church door, where all marriages were formerly celebrated, after affiance… …   Black's law dictionary

  • dower ad ostium ecclesiae — /dawar id ostiyam akliyziyiy/ Dower at the church door or porch. An ancient kind of dower in England, where a man (being tenant in fee simple, of full age), openly at the church door, where all marriages were formerly celebrated, after affiance… …   Black's law dictionary

  • dowment ad ostium ecclesiae — Same as dower ad ostium ecclesiae …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • dower ex assensu patris — /dawar eks asens(hXy)uw psetras/ Dower by the father s assent. A species of dower ad ostium ecclesiae, made when the husband s father was alive, and the son, by his consent expressly given, endowed his wife with parcel of his father s lands. 2 Bl …   Black's law dictionary

  • dower ex assensu patris — /dawar eks asens(hXy)uw psetras/ Dower by the father s assent. A species of dower ad ostium ecclesiae, made when the husband s father was alive, and the son, by his consent expressly given, endowed his wife with parcel of his father s lands. 2 Bl …   Black's law dictionary

  • ad ostium ecclesiae — /aed ostiyam akliyziyiy/ At the door of the church. One of the five species of dower formerly recognized by the English law. 2 Bl.Comm. 132 …   Black's law dictionary

  • ad ostium ecclesiae — /aed ostiyam akliyziyiy/ At the door of the church. One of the five species of dower formerly recognized by the English law. 2 Bl.Comm. 132 …   Black's law dictionary

  • ad ostium ecelesiae — At the door of the church. That is, at one s marriage. At one time in England all marriages were solemnized at the church door. See 2 Bl Comm 132. See dower ad ostium ecclesiae …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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