
An estate in real property annexed to an abbey.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés — The porch tower of Saint Germain des Prés (built 990 1014) sturdily buttressed to support the weight of its massive bells, is one of the oldest belltowers still standing in France. The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Germain des Prés, just beyond the… …   Wikipedia

  • Abbey of Rievaulx —     Abbey of Rievaulx     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Rievaulx     (RIEVALL.)     Thurston, Archbishop of York, was very anxious to have a monastery of the newly founded and fervent order of Cistercians in his diocese; and so, at his… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey Road Studios — Abbey Road Studios, established in November 1931 by EMI in London, England, is a recording studio located at number 3 Abbey Road, in St John s Wood in the City of Westminster. Apart from their use as a recording studio, the premises have also… …   Wikipedia

  • Abbey Road Studios — Eingang zu den EMI Studios …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Abbey of the Park —     Abbey of the Park     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of the Park     Located half a mile south of Louvain, Belgium, founded in 1129 by Duke Godfrey, surnamed Barbatus , who possessed an immense park near Louvain and had invited the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey of Floreffe —     Abbey of Floreffe     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Floreffe     Pleasantly situated on the right bank of the Sambre, about seven miles southwest of Namur, Belgium, owes its foundation to Godfrey, Count of Namur, and his wife Ermensendis …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey of Tongerloo —     Abbey of Tongerloo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Tongerloo     Located near Antwerp, Belgium, founded in 1128 in honour of the Blessed Virgin, by de Giselbert, who not only gave the land, but also himself became a lay brother in it.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey of Fontenelle —     Abbey of Fontenelle     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Fontenelle     (Or ABBEY OF SAINT WANDRILLE).     A Benedictine monastery in Normandy (Seine Inférieure), near Caudebec en Caux. It was founded by Saint Wandrille (Wandregesilus, d.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey of Echternach —     Abbey of Echternach     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Echternach     (Also EPTERNACH, Lat. EPTERNACENSIS).     A Benedictine monastery in the town of that name, in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and the Diocese of Trier. It was founded in… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Abbey of Citeaux —     Abbey of Cîteaux     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Cîteaux     Founded in 1098 by St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, in a deserted and uninhabited part of the Diocese of Châlons sur Saône, today the Diocese of Dijon (Côte d Or, France), from… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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