do, dico, addico

do, dico, addico
I give judgment, I expound the law, I execute the law. These were the words which the Roman law permitted the praetor to use on triverbial days upon which he was allowed to decide cases. See 3 Bl Comm 424.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Triverbial — Tri*ver bi*al, a. [Pref. tri + L. verbum a word.] (Rom. Antiq.) Pertaining to, or designating, certain days allowed to the pretor for hearing causes, when be might speak the three characteristic words of his office, do, dico, addico. They were… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • DIES — I. DIES Nicanoris, Festum Iudaeorum, de quo infra in voce Iudith. Diespiter, Iuppiter, quasi diei, i. e. lucis pater, uti Macrob. interpretatur. Hostat. l. 1. Carm. od. 34. v. 5. Namque Diespiter Igni corusco nubila dividens. Et idem l. 3. Carm.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • NEFASTI Dies — dicebantur Romanis, quibus non licebat Praetori verba illa sollemnia fari, quae Fastisobtinebatn: Do, dico, Addico. Fastis enim diebus, dabat actionem, dicebat ius, addicebat tamres, quam homines, Ioach. Camerarius in Orat. Cicer. pro Flacco: qui …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • dies fasti — /dayiyz feestay/ In Roman law, days on which the courts were open, and justice could be legally administered; days on which it was lawful for the praetor to pronounce (fari) the three words do , dico , addico . Hence called triverbial days,… …   Black's law dictionary

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