division of opinion

division of opinion
The disagreement in opinion of the judges of a court when they do not concur in rendering their decisions. See divided court.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • division of opinion — In the practice of appellate courts, this term denotes such a disagreement among the judges that there is not a majority in favor of any one view, and hence no decision can be rendered on the case. But it also commonly denotes a division into two …   Black's law dictionary

  • division of opinion — In the practice of appellate courts, this term denotes such a disagreement among the judges that there is not a majority in favor of any one view, and hence no decision can be rendered on the case. But it also commonly denotes a division into two …   Black's law dictionary

  • division — n. 1 the act or an instance of dividing; the process of being divided. 2 Math. the process of dividing one number by another (see also long division (see LONG(1)), short division). 3 disagreement or discord (division of opinion). 4 Parl. the… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • division — [də vizh′ən] n. [ME divisioun < L divisio < divisus, pp. of dividere] 1. a dividing or being divided; separation 2. a sharing or apportioning; distribution 3. a difference of opinion; disagreement 4. a separation into groups in voting 5.… …   English World dictionary

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