
A distress. See 3 Bl Comm 6.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • districtio — /distriksh(iy)ow/ A distress; a distraint …   Black's law dictionary

  • in omni actione ubi dux concurrunt districtiones, videlicet, in rem et in personam, ilia districtio tenenda est quae magis timetur et magis ligat — /in omnay aekshiyowniy yiiwbay d(y)uwiy kankahrant distrikshiyowniyz, vaydiylisat in rem et in parsownam, ila distriksh(iy)ow tanenda est kwiy meyjas tamiytar et meyjas ligat/ In every action where two distresses concur, that is, in rem and in… …   Black's law dictionary

  • in omni actione ubi dux concurrunt districtiones, videlicet, in rem et in personam, ilia districtio tenenda est quae magis timetur et magis ligat — /in omnay aekshiyowniy yiiwbay d(y)uwiy kankahrant distrikshiyowniyz, vaydiylisat in rem et in parsownam, ila distriksh(iy)ow tanenda est kwiy meyjas tamiytar et meyjas ligat/ In every action where two distresses concur, that is, in rem and in… …   Black's law dictionary

  • In omni actione ubi duae concurrunt districtiones, videlicet, in rem et in personam, illa districtio tenenda est quae magis timetur et magis ligat — In every action where two distresses concur, that is to say, in rem and in personam, that distress will hold which is the more dreaded, and which binds the more firmly …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Quia Emptores — (medieval Latin for because the buyers , the incipit of the document) was a statute passed by Edward I of England in 1290 that prevented tenants from alienating their lands to others by subinfeudation. Quia Emptores, along with its companion… …   Wikipedia

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