admeasurement of dower — A common law remedy which lay for the heir on reaching his majority to rectify an assignment of dower made during his minority, by which the doweress had received more than she was legally entitled to … Black's law dictionary
admeasurement of dower — A common law remedy which lay for the heir on reaching his majority to rectify an assignment of dower made during his minority, by which the doweress had received more than she was legally entitled to … Black's law dictionary
dower — The legal right or interest which the wife acquires by marriage in the real estate of her husband. At common law it consists in the use, during her natural life after the death of her husband, of one third of all the real estate of which her… … Ballentine's law dictionary
admeasurement — /aedmezharmant/ Ascertainment by measure; measuring out; assignment or apportionment by measure, that is, by fixed quantity or value, by certain limits, or in definite and fixed proportions admeasurement of dower admeasurement of pasture… … Black's law dictionary
admeasurement — /aedmezharmant/ Ascertainment by measure; measuring out; assignment or apportionment by measure, that is, by fixed quantity or value, by certain limits, or in definite and fixed proportions admeasurement of dower admeasurement of pasture… … Black's law dictionary
admeasurement, writ of — A common law remedy which lay against persons who usurped more than their share, in the two following cases: admeasurement of dower, and admeasurement of pasture … Black's law dictionary
admeasurement, writ of — A common law remedy which lay against persons who usurped more than their share, in the two following cases: admeasurement of dower, and admeasurement of pasture … Black's law dictionary
writ of admeasurement — A common law remedy which lay against persons who usurped more than their share, in the two following cases: admeasurement of dower, and admeasurement of pasture … Black's law dictionary
writ of admeasurement — A common law remedy which lay against persons who usurped more than their share, in the two following cases: admeasurement of dower, and admeasurement of pasture … Black's law dictionary
de admensuratione — /diy aedmenshareyshiyowniy/ Of admeasurement. Thus, de admensuratione dotis was a writ for the admeasurement of dower, and de admensuratione pastures was a writ for the admeasurement of pasture … Black's law dictionary