- Derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum prorsus tollitur
- A law is derogated when part of it is taken away; a law is abrogated when it is wholly abolished.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum prorsus tollitur — /dersgeytar liyjay, kam parz dstreyCKtetar; aebrsgeytar liyjay, kam prorsss tolstar/ To derogate from a law is to take away part of it; to abrogate a law is to abolish it entirely … Black's law dictionary
derogatur legi, cum pars detrahitur; abrogatur legi, cum prorsus tollitur — /dersgeytar liyjay, kam parz dstreyCKtetar; aebrsgeytar liyjay, kam prorsss tolstar/ To derogate from a law is to take away part of it; to abrogate a law is to abolish it entirely … Black's law dictionary