- Decretum Gratiani
- A compilation of canon law made by the Italian monk, Gratian, about 1151. See 1 Bl Comm 82.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Decretum Gratiani — Decretum Gratiani, s. Corpus juris (canonici) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Decretum Gratiani — This article is part of a series on the Law of the Catholic Church Codes of Canon Law 1983 Code of Canon Law Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 1917 Code of Canon Law … Wikipedia
Decretum Gratiani — Kopie des Manuskripts Das Decretum Gratiani (um 1140) war das Hauptwerk des in Bologna lebenden und als Vater der Kanonistik geltenden Kamaldulensermönchs Gratian. Es bildet den ersten Teil einer Sammlung von sechs Rechtsbüchern, die im Corpus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
decretum gratiani — /dakriytam greyshiyeynay/ Gratian s decree, or decretum. A collection of ecclesiastical law in three books or parts, made in the year 1151, by Gratian, a Benedictine monk of Bologna, being the oldest as well as the first in order of the… … Black's law dictionary
decretum gratiani — /dakriytam greyshiyeynay/ Gratian s decree, or decretum. A collection of ecclesiastical law in three books or parts, made in the year 1151, by Gratian, a Benedictine monk of Bologna, being the oldest as well as the first in order of the… … Black's law dictionary
Decretum — may refer to: The Decretum Gratiani is a collection of Canon law compiled in the twelfth century by a jurist named Gratian. Decretum Gelasianum, traditionally attributed to Pope Gelasius I, contains a list of works adjudged apocryphal. Decretum… … Wikipedia
Decretum — [lateinisch] das, s/...ta, Dekret; Decretum Gratiani (um 1140), Gratian. (Corpus Iuris Canonici) … Universal-Lexikon
Gratiāni decrētum — (Rechtsgesch.), s.u. Corpus juris 2) II. a) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Decretum — (lat.), s. Decret; D. Gratiani, s. u. Corpus juris II. a) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Decretum — Decrētum (lat.), s. Dekret. D. Gratiāni, eine vom Mönch Gratianus um 1150 veranstaltete Sammlung aller bis dahin vorhandenen Kirchenrechtsquellen; bildet den ersten Teil des Corpus juris canonici … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon