
To keep facts secret or withhold them from the knowledge of another; to hide or secrete physical objects from sight or observation. Gerry v Dunham, 57 Me 334, 339. As the word appears in a statute prescribing a ground for attachment, to "conceal" property is to hide it or put it where an officer of the law will be unable to find it. 6 Am J2d Attach § 236. Aa used in a statute against concealing stolen goods, knowing them to have been stoIen, to "conceal" means to secrete with intent to deprive the owner of his property. Bailey v State, 115 Neb 77, 80, 211 NW 200. For the purposes of the Bankruptcy Act, to "conceal" means to secrete, falsify, and mutilate. Bankr Act § 1(7); l l USC § 1(7). The criminal offense of concealment of property belonging to the estate of a bankrupt is not limited to physical secretion, but includes the preventing of discovery by the withholding of knowledge through refusing to divulge information as to the location of the property. 9 Am J2d Bankr § 1715. For some purposes, as in the case of executing process in a claim and delivery action, to refuse the demand of an officer holding process for the properly in suit is to "conceal" it. State v Pope, 4 Wash 2d 394, 103 P2d 1089, 129 ALR 240. See concealment; secrete; treasure trove.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Conceal — Con*ceal (k[o^]n*s[=e]l ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Concealed} (k[o^]n*s[=e]ld ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Concealing}.] [OF. conceler, L. concelare; con + celareto hide; akin to AS. helan, G. hehlen, E. hele (to cover), helmet. See {Hell}, {Helmet}.] To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conceal — con·ceal vt 1: to prevent disclosure of or fail to disclose (as a provision in a contract) esp. in violation of a duty to disclose 2 a: to place out of sight ◇ A weapon need only be placed out of ordinary observation in order to be considered a… …   Law dictionary

  • conceal — UK US /kənˈsiːl/ verb [T] ► to not tell somebody about something that they have the right to know about: »Do not conceal health problems from a prospective insurer …   Financial and business terms

  • conceal — early 14c., concelen, from O.Fr. conceler to hide, conceal, dissimulate, from L. concelare to hide, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com )), + celare to hide, from PIE root *kel to hide (see CELL (Cf. cell …   Etymology dictionary

  • conceal — [kən sēl′] vt. [ME concelen < OFr conceler < L concelare, to hide < com , together + celare, to hide < IE base * k̑el, to hide, conceal > HALL, HULL1, Gr kalyptein] 1. to put out of sight; hide 2. to keep from another s knowledge;… …   English World dictionary

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  • conceal — ► VERB ▪ prevent from being seen or known. DERIVATIVES concealer noun concealment noun. ORIGIN Latin concelare, from celare hide …   English terms dictionary

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  • conceal — [[t]kənsi͟ːl[/t]] conceals, concealing, concealed 1) VERB If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully. [V n] Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel... [V ed] Five people were arrested for carrying concealed… …   English dictionary

  • conceal */*/ — UK [kənˈsiːl] / US [kənˈsɪl] verb [transitive] Word forms conceal : present tense I/you/we/they conceal he/she/it conceals present participle concealing past tense concealed past participle concealed formal 1) a) to prevent someone from seeing or …   English dictionary

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