causa sine qua non

causa sine qua non
A cause without which the thing would not have happened; a cause which if it had not existed, the injury would not have been sustained. 38 Am J1st Negl §§ 53, 166.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • causa sine qua non — /kow sah si ne kwah nohn /; Eng. /kaw zeuh suy nee kway non , kaw zeuh sin ay kwah nohn /, Latin. an indispensable condition; requisite. [lit., a cause without which not] * * * causa sine qua non /sīˈnē kwā non or sinˈe kwä nōn/ (law) An… …   Useful english dictionary

  • causa sine qua non — /kow sah si ne kwah nohn /; Eng. /kaw zeuh suy nee kway non , kaw zeuh sin ay kwah nohn /, Latin. an indispensable condition; requisite. [lit., a cause without which not] * * * …   Universalium

  • causa sine qua non — /koza sayniy kwey non/ A necessary or inevitable cause; a cause without which the effect in question could not have happened. Hayes v. Railroad Co., Ill U.S. 228, 4 S.Ct. 369, 28 L.Ed. 410. A cause without which the thing cannot be. With… …   Black's law dictionary

  • causa sine qua non — /koza sayniy kwey non/ A necessary or inevitable cause; a cause without which the effect in question could not have happened. Hayes v. Railroad Co., Ill U.S. 228, 4 S.Ct. 369, 28 L.Ed. 410. A cause without which the thing cannot be. With… …   Black's law dictionary

  • causa sine qua non — foreign term Etymology: Latin an indispensable cause or condition …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • causa sine qua non — requisite, necessary condition, vital circumstance (to prove a causal relationship) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sine qua non — an indispensable condition, c.1600, Latin, lit. without which not, from sine without + qua ablative fem. singular of qui which + non not. Feminine to agree with implied causa. The Latin phrase is common in Scholastic use. Sometimes a masculine… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sine qua non — /suy nee kway non , kwah, sin ay/; Lat. /si ne kwah nohn / an indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential: Her presence was the sine qua non of every social event. [ < LL sine qua (causa) non without which (thing) not] * * * …   Universalium

  • sine qua non — si•ne qua non [[t]ˈsɪn eɪ kwɑ ˈnoʊn, ˈnɒn, kweɪ[/t]] n. fot an indispensable or essential condition, element, or factor • Etymology: 1585–95; < LL sine quā (causā) nōn without which (thing) not …   From formal English to slang

  • causa — (izg. kȁuza) ž DEFINICIJA 1. uzrok, razlog 2. pravn. sudski predmet, spor pred sudom SINTAGMA causa civilis (izg. causa civílis) građanski spor; causa morbi (izg. causa mȍrbi) razlog bolesti (ili oboljenja); causa mortis (izg. causa mȍrtis) uzrok …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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