- Warehouse Receipts Act
- One of the uniform laws, specifically repealed by the Commercial Code. 15 Am J2d Com C § 6.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Warehouse receipt — A warehouse receipt is a document that provides proof of ownership of commodities (e.g., bars of copper) that are stored in a warehouse, vault, or depository for safekeeping. Warehouse receipts may be negotiable or non negotiable. Negotiable… … Wikipedia
holder of warehouse receipt — A person who has both actual possession of, and a right of property in, a warehouse receipt. Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act § 58. The person in possession of a document of title which is a warehouse receipt. UCC § 1 201(5) … Ballentine's law dictionary
delivery of warehouse receipt — The voluntary transfer of possession from one person to another. Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act § 58 … Ballentine's law dictionary
ЗАКОН О СКЛАДСКИХ НАКЛАДНЫХ — WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS ACTДо 1916 г. складские и элеваторные компании действовали в соответствии с законами отдельных штатов. В штате Нью Йорк в 1907 г. был впервые принят Закон о единых товарных накладных, к рый в 1907 г. после внесения поправок был … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов
purchase — To acquire title otherwise than by descent. 23 Am J2d Desc & D § 2. To acquire title by the voluntary act of another. For the purposes of recording laws, a purchaser acquiring legal title, or, under some statutes, a person acquiring an equitable… … Ballentine's law dictionary
uniform statutes — Statutes drafted by a commission on Uniform Laws, or by a committee appointed by State Boards of Commissioners for promoting Uniformity of Legislation, and recommended to the legislatures of the various states for adoption, the purpose being to… … Ballentine's law dictionary
goods — A term of variable meaning, sometimes having the significance of personal property. Tisdale v Harris, 37 Mass (20 Pick) 9. Sometimes inclusive of corporate stock. Spencer v McGuffin, 190 Ind 308, 130 NE 407, 14 ALR 385. In other connections,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
in good faith — With honesty, whether done negligently or not. Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act § 58 … Ballentine's law dictionary
receipt — a written acknowledgement of having received money or goods specified Also statement Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary A detailed summary of an account. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary See deposit receipt, withdrawal receipt.… … Financial and business terms