through rate

through rate
The rate of a carrier for a shipment from point of receipt by the carrier to the ultimate destination, although the destination may be one which can be reached only by the employment of a connecting carrier. 13 Am J2d Car § 206. The rate from an originating point to the final destination, or to a gateway like Chicago, via a particular point. Thus, on a shipment of grain from Enid, Oklahoma, to Chicago via Kansas City, the overhead through rate was 38.5 cents per hundred pounds. Board of Trade v United States, 314 US 534, 86 L Ed 331, 62 S Ct 366. Through carriage implies a "through rate." This "through rate" is not necessarily a joint rate. It may be an aggregation of separate rates fixed independently by the several carriers forming the "through rate," as where the "through rate" is "the sum of the locals" on the several connecting lines, or is the sum of lower rates otherwise separately established by them for through transportation. See St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. v United States, 245 US 136, 139, note, 62 L Ed 199, 205, note, 38 S Ct 49.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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