situs for taxation

situs for taxation
A place within the jurisdiction of the taxing authority. For real property, the place wherein the property is situated. For a license tax, the place wherein the acts which require a license are performed. 51 Am J1st Tax § 441. For a personal property tax, the county, city, town, or other taxing district in which the owner lives or has his domicil, except as the property has acquired a definite situs elsewhere, or unless other provision is made by statute. 51 Am J1st Tax § 448. For a tax on intangibles, the domicil of the owner, except as intangible property may have lost that situs under an exception such as that of "business" or "commercial situs." 51 Am J1st Tax § 463. For a personal or poll tax, the domicil of the person taxed. 51 Am J1st Tax § 447.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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