
A public officer; an officer having the dual character of a peace officer and a ministerial officer. 47 Am J1st Sher § 3. A county officer representing the executive or administrative power of the state within his county. 47 Am J1st Sher § 2. An officer for the execution of criminal and civil process. The office of sheriff is one of the oldest known to the common law. It is inseparably associated with the county. The name itself signifies keeper of the shire or county. The office is said to have been created by Alfred when he divided England into shires, but Coke believed it to have been of Roman origin. In England the sheriff was the immediate officer of the king within the shire, the conservator of the peace within the county, keeper of the county jail and commander of the posse comitatus, and he served and enforced the processes of the state. In the United States his functions are similar and he is the chief executive officer of the state in his county. He obeys the mandate of the state not only when issued to him by the courts of his county, but he executes writs directed to him by the courts of other counties. State ex ref. Beach v Finn, 4 Mo App 347, 352.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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