- seaworthy
- Able to withstand the forces of the sea. Fireman's Fund Ins Co. v Compania de Navegacion (CA5 La) 19 F2d 493. Reasonably fit, from the standpoint of a vessel, to perform the service which she has undertaken to perform. Tight, staunch, strong in the hull, well furnished and victualed, and in all respects equipped in the usual manner for the service in which she is engaged, including a crew, adequate in number and sufficient and competent for the voyage, and a master of skill, competence, sound judgment and discretion. 48 Am J1st Ship § 44. The condition of a ship staunch and sound, of sufficient materials and construction, with sufficient sails, tackle, rigging, cables, anchors, stores, and supplies, commanded by a master of competent skill and capacity, worked by a competent and sufficient crew, and generally, in every respect, fit for the voyage contemplated. 29A Am J Rev ed Ins § 999. A ship which is badly stowed is unseaworthy. The Malcolm Baxter, Jr. French Overseas Corp. v French Republic (CA2 NY) 20 F2d 304.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.