res judicata

res judicata
Literally, the thing has been decided, been adjudicated. State v Wear, 145 Mo 162, 192, 46 SW 1099. The principle that an existing final judgment rendered upon the merits, without fraud or collusion, by a court of competent jurisdiction, is conclusive of rights, questions, and facts in issue, as to the parties and their privies, in all other actions in the same or any other judicial tribunal of concurrent jurisdiction. 30A Am J Rev ed Judgm § 324. The effect of a judgment as res judicata appears in at least three aspects, viz. merger of cause of action, bar, and estoppel. Anno: 49 ALR2d 1038. A difference exists between the effect of a judgment as a bar to a second action between the same parties upon the same claim or demand and its effect in another action upon a different cause of action; in the former case, the judgment on the merits constitutes an absolute bar to the second action, being a finality, not only as to every matter which was offered and received to sustain or defeat the claim or demand, but also as to any other admissible matter which might have been offered for that purpose; in the latter case, the judgment is a bar only as to the matters actually litigated and determined in the former action, and not as to what might have been litigated and determined therein. Smith v Smith, 235 Minn 412, 51 NW2d 276, 32 ALR2d 1135.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Res judicata — or res iudicata (RJ), also known as claim preclusion, is the Latin term for a matter [already] judged , and may refer to two concepts: in both civil law and common law legal systems, a case in which there has been a final judgment and is no… …   Wikipedia

  • res judicata — res ju·di·ca·ta / rēz ˌjü di kä tə, rās ˌyü / n [Latin, judged matter] 1: a thing, matter, or determination that is adjudged or final: as a: a claim, issue, or cause of action that is settled by a judgment conclusive as to the rights, questions,… …   Law dictionary

  • Res judicata — Res Res (r?z), n.; pl. {Res}. [L.] A thing; the particular thing; a matter; a point. [1913 Webster] {Res gest[ae]} [L., things done] (Law), the facts which form the environment of a litigated issue. Wharton. {Res judicata} [L.] (Law), a thing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • res judicata — лат. (рэс юдиката) решенное дело. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Res judicata — Res judicata, lat., endgültig abgeurtheilte Rechtssache, so daß der geschützte Anspruch vollzogen werden (actio judicati) oder der befreite Beklagte gegen künftige Erneuerung desselben mit der Einrede der abgeurtheilten Sache (exceptio rei… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • res judicata — a point decided by authority …   Etymology dictionary

  • res judicata — [jo͞o΄di kät′ə] n. [L, thing decided] Law a matter already decided by judicial authority …   English World dictionary

  • Res judicata — Als res judicata (von lat. res iudicata „entschiedene Sache“) bezeichnet man in der Juristensprache ein rechtskräftig ergangenes Urteil durch ein anderes Gericht bzw. eine als rechtskräftig anerkannte Sache (Hochzeit, Scheidung, Kauf, Erbschaft) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • res judicata — /reez jooh di kay teuh, rays /, Law. a thing adjudicated; a case that has been decided. [1685 95; < L] * * * ▪ law       (Latin: “a thing adjudged”), a thing or matter that has been finally juridically decided on its merits and cannot be… …   Universalium

  • Res judicata — Рес юдиката (лат. res judicata разрешенное дело) в римском праве положение, в соответствии с которым окончательное решение полномочного суда, которое вступило в силу, является обязательным для сторон спора и не может быть пересмотрено. В… …   Википедия

  • res judicata — термин, обозначающий наличие у ранее вынесенного решения по спору между теми же сторонами преюдициального эффекта, который должен быть учтен при вынесении решения в данном разбирательстве. Как правило, решения государственных судов не имеют… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

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