capacity — ca·pac·i·ty n pl ties 1: a qualification, power, or ability (as to give consent or make a testament) created by operation of law 2: an individual s ability or aptitude; esp: mental ability as it relates to responsibility for the commission of a… … Law dictionary
private — ► ADJECTIVE 1) for or belonging to one particular person or group only. 2) (of a service or industry) provided by an individual or commercial company rather than the state. 3) (of thoughts, feelings, etc.) not to be shared or revealed. 4) (of a… … English terms dictionary
private function — The function of a municipal corporation in the exercise of powers conferred upon it, not primarily or chiefly from considerations connected with the government of the state at large, but for the private advantage of the compact community which is … Ballentine's law dictionary
private — 1. adjective 1) his private plane Syn: personal, own, individual, special, exclusive, privately owned Ant: public 2) private talks Syn: confidential, secr … Thesaurus of popular words
private duty — A duty owed by an individual under particular circumstances. The duty of a municipality operating in a private capacity. See private capacity … Ballentine's law dictionary
private — 1. adjective 1) his private plane Syn: personal, own, special, exclusive 2) private talks Syn: confidential, secret, classified 3) private thoughts Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
private powers — The powers of a municipality exercised for the advantage of the inhabitants of the municipality as such, and of itself as a legal personality, not powers exercised in a governmental capacity as a political subdivision of the state. Winona v… … Ballentine's law dictionary
private wrong — noun : a civil injury affecting an individual or person but not the community generally : a wrong for which an individual has legal redress compare public wrong * * * private wrong noun An injury done to an individual in his or her private… … Useful english dictionary
Capacity building — often refers to assistance which is provided to entities, usually developing country societies, which have a need to develop a certain skill or competence, or for general upgrading of performance ability. Most capacity is built by societies… … Wikipedia
Private equity in the 21st century — relates to one of the major periods in the history of private equity and venture capital. Within the broader private equity industry, two distinct sub industries, leveraged buyouts and venture capital experienced growth along parallel although… … Wikipedia