
The right to be left alone, that is, to be free from unwarranted publicity and to live without unwarranted interference by the public in matters with which the public is not necessarily concerned. Prents v Morgan, 221 Ky 765, 299 SW 967, 55 ALR 964. The so-called right, founded upon the claim that a man has the right to pass through this world, if he wills, without having his picture published, his business enterprises discussed, his successful experiments written up for the benefit of others, or his eccentricities commented upon either in handbills, circulars, catalogues, periodicals, or newspapers; and, necessarily, that the things which may not be written and published of him must not he spoken of him by his neighbors, whether the comment be favorable or otherwise. Roberson v Rochester Folding Box Co. 171 NY 538. 64 NE 442. The right of a person to demand that his private affairs be not scrutinized in public without his consent. Annos: 138 ALR 22; 168 ALR 446; 14 AL.R2d 750. A right premised upon the individual's right to the pursuit of happiness. Barsky v United States, 83 App DC 127, 167 F2d 241, cent den 334 US 843, 92 L Ed 1767, 68 S Ct 1511, rear den 339 US 971, 94 L Ed 1379, 70 S Ct 1001. An independent legal right of the individual, the violation of which constitutes a tort. 4) Am J1st Priv § 2. The theory that everyone has a right to privacy, and that the same is a personal right growing out of the inviolability of the person. The right to one's person may he said to be a right of complete immunity, to be let alone. That a person is entitled to relief at law or in equity for an invasion of this right, is generally understood to have been first publicly advanced in an article entitled "The Right to Privacy," in 4 Harvard Law Review, 193 (December, 1890), wherein some of the necessities for involving such relief are set out. Henry v Cherry, 30 RI 13, 73 A 97.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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