- per procuration
- By proxy. An expression used by an agent in executing a note or other contract on behalf of his principal, which indicates that the authority of the agent is special and limited.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
per procuration — /par prokyareyshan/ By proxy; by one acting as an agent with special powers, as under a letter of attorney. These words give notice to all persons that the agent is acting under a special and limited authority. The phrase is commonly abbreviated… … Black's law dictionary
per procuration — adverb see per procurationem … Useful english dictionary
per procuration — signing in the name of , making a signature in place on behalf of another person … English contemporary dictionary
per procurationem — ˌperˌpräkəˌräd.ēˈōˌnem adverb also per procuration ˌpər+ Etymology: Latin per procurationem : by agency : by the authority of an agent : by proxy * * * /peuhr prok yeuh ray shee oh nem, per prok euh rah tee oh nem/, Chiefly Law. by one acting as… … Useful english dictionary
per procurationem — /peuhr prok yeuh ray shee oh nem, per prok euh rah tee oh nem/, Chiefly Law. by one acting as an agent; by proxy. Also, per procuration /peuhr prok yeuh ray sheuhn/. [1810 20; < L per procurationem] * * * … Universalium
per pro. — An abbreviation of per procuration. Giles v Newton (DC NY) 21 F2d 484 … Ballentine's law dictionary
per proc. — An abbreviation of per procuration … Ballentine's law dictionary
Procuration — (Lat. procurare , to take care of) is the action of taking care of, hence management, stewardship, agency. The word is applied to the authority or power delegated to a procurator, or agent, as well as to the exercise of such authority expressed… … Wikipedia
per proc — per pro; p.p. Abbreviations for per procurationem (Latin: by procuration): denoting an act by an agent, not acting on his own authority but on that of his principal. The abbreviation is often used when signing letters on behalf of a firm or… … Big dictionary of business and management
procuration — /prokyareyshan/ Agency; proxy; the act of constituting another one s attorney in fact. The act by which one person gives power to another to act in his place, as he could do himself. Action under a power of attorney or other constitution of… … Black's law dictionary