penal statute

penal statute
A statute which defines and prescribes the punishment for a criminal offense. A statute which provides a penalty enforceable in a civil action. A statute, such as a wrongful death statute, providing for an assessment of damages with reference to the degree of culpability of the defendant. 22 Am J2d Dth § 5. A statute which imposes a penalty for transgressing its provisions. A statute that imposes a penalty or creates a forfeiture as the punishment for the neglect of some duty, or the commission of some wrong, that concerns the good of the public, and is commanded or prohibited by law. 50 Am J1st Stat § 16.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • penal statute — n: penal law (1); esp: a law that calls for a penalty as opposed to one providing for a remedy for a wronged party Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

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