partial intestacy

partial intestacy
The condition of the estate of a testate decedent in reference to property owned by him but not disposed of by the will.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • partial intestacy — England, Wales A partial intestacy occurs where the deceased left a valid will, but the will only disposes of part of the deceased s estate. The intestacy rules apply to the property that has not be disposed of in the will. Practical Law… …   Law dictionary

  • partial intestacy — The circumstances that arise if a will covers only part of the estate of the deceased. The part of the estate accounted for in the will is dealt with according to the wishes of the deceased as set out in the will, while the remainder is allocated …   Accounting dictionary

  • intestacy — in·tes·ta·cy /in tes tə sē/ n pl cies 1: the state of dying intestate: an intestate state or condition the invalidation of the will resulted in her intestacy 2: intestate succession at …   Law dictionary

  • intestacy rules — England, Wales The statutory rules (set out in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 and the Intestates Estates Act 1952) which govern the distribution of a person s estate where they have not left a (valid) will (or where the will they did… …   Law dictionary

  • intestacy — The status or condition of a person who dies without leaving a valid and operative will. Re Noble, 194 Iowa 733, 190 NW 511, 26 ALR 86. More precisely, the status of the estate or property of a decedent who dies without leaving a valid or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Legal history of wills — Wills in the Ancient WorldThe will, if not purely Roman in origin, at least owes to Roman law its complete development, a development which in most European countries was greatly aided at a later period by ecclesiastics versed in Roman law. In… …   Wikipedia

  • intestate — The characterization of a person, or of the estate or property of a person, who dies in the status or condition of intestacy, that is, without leaving a valid and operative will. Re Noble, 194 Iowa 733, 190 NW 511, 26 ALR 86. One who dies without …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • hotchpot — hotch·pot / häch ˌpät/ n [Anglo French hochepot, from Old French, thick soup or stew, from hochier to shake + pot pot] 1: the combining of properties into a common lot to ensure equality of division among those entitled to a share of an estate… …   Law dictionary

  • intestate estate — The estate of a person who dies without leaving a valid and operative will. See partial intestacy …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • intestate property — See intestate estate; partial intestacy …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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