opinion of court

opinion of court
A statement given by the court for its decision, usually presented in writing and published in a court report. 20 Am J2d Cts § 7. A statement in writing by an appellate court of the reasons for its decision or judgment. 5 Am J2d A & E § 901. An opinion accompanying a decision is an opinion of the court only when it has been approved by the court making the decision, that is, where the court consists of more than one judge, by at least the majority required for a valid decision. 20 Am J2d Cts § 71. The opinion of the court represents merely the reasons for its judgment, while the decision of the court is the adjudication. 20 Am J2d Cts § 70. It is the "decision" rather than the "opinion" which is the subject of appellate review. Robertson v Vandergrift, 119 W Va 219, 193 SE 62.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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