
Something offensive to morality or chastity, indecent or nasty. Commonwealth v Buckley, 200 Mass 346, 86 NE 910. That which shocks the ordinary and common sense of men as an indecency. State v Van Wye, 136 Mo 227, 37 SW 938. Any matter of a lewd, lascivious, or obscene tendency, which is calculated to corrupt and debauch the mind and morals of those persons into whose hands it may fall. See Swearingen v United States, 161 US 446, 40 L Ed 765, 16 S Ct 562.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • obscenity — ob·scen·i·ty /äb se nə tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being obscene 2: something (as an utterance or act) that is obscene; also: obscene material Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Obscenity — Ob*scen i*ty, n.; pl. {Obscenities}. [L. obscentias: cf. F. obsc[ e]nit[ e].] That quality in words or things which presents what is offensive to chastity or purity of mind; obscene or impure lanquage or acts; moral impurity; lewdness;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • obscenity — (n.) c.1600, obscene quality, from L. obscenitatem (nom. obscenitas) inauspiciousness, filthiness, from obscenus (see OBSCENE (Cf. obscene)). Meaning a foul or loathsome act is 1610s. Sense of an obscene utterance or word is attested by 1690.… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • obscenity — ► NOUN (pl. obscenities) 1) the state or quality of being obscene. 2) an obscene action, image, or expression …   English terms dictionary

  • obscenity — [äb sen′ə tē, əbsen′ə tē; ] also, chiefly Brit [, äbsēn′ə tē, əbsēn′ə tē] n. [Fr obscénité < L obscenitas] 1. the state or quality of being obscene 2. pl. obscenities an obscene remark, act, event, etc …   English World dictionary

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  • obscenity — /euhb sen i tee, see ni /, n., pl. obscenities for 2, 3. 1. the character or quality of being obscene; indecency; lewdness. 2. something obscene, as a picture or story. 3. an obscene word or expression, esp. when used as an invective. [1600 10; …   Universalium

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