non culpabilis

non culpabilis
Not guilty.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • non culpabilis — /non kalpeybalas/ In pleading, not guilty. It is usually abbreviated non cul. Noncumulative dividends. Commonly incident to preferred stock if a dividend is passed (not paid) in a particular year or period; such passed dividends are gone forever… …   Black's law dictionary

  • non culpabilis — /non kalpeybalas/ In pleading, not guilty. It is usually abbreviated non cul. Noncumulative dividends. Commonly incident to preferred stock if a dividend is passed (not paid) in a particular year or period; such passed dividends are gone forever… …   Black's law dictionary

  • culpabilis — /kalpeybsbs/ In old English law, guilty. Culpabilis de intrusion, guilty of intrusion. Non culpabilis (abbreviated to non cul), the plea of not guilty. See culprit …   Black's law dictionary

  • culpabilis — /kalpeybsbs/ In old English law, guilty. Culpabilis de intrusion, guilty of intrusion. Non culpabilis (abbreviated to non cul), the plea of not guilty. See culprit …   Black's law dictionary

  • non cul. — An abbreviation of non culpabilis …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • culprit — One accused or charged with commission of crime. Also, commonly used to mean one guilty of a crime or fault. Blackstone believes this term to be an abbreviation of the old forms of arraignment, whereby, on the prisoner s pleading not guilty, the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • culprit — One accused or charged with commission of crime. Also, commonly used to mean one guilty of a crime or fault. Blackstone believes this term to be an abbreviation of the old forms of arraignment, whereby, on the prisoner s pleading not guilty, the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • CULPABILITÉ — Il ne suffit pas, pour faire l’expérience de la culpabilité, de se représenter un de ses propres actes comme ayant transgressé un devoir, une loi, les règles d’un art, des usages. Pour passer de la faute objective à la culpabilité subjective, il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • coupable — [ kupabl ] adj. et n. • 1667; corpable 1172; lat. culpabilis, rac. culpa → coulpe 1 ♦ Qui a commis une faute, une infraction. ⇒ fautif. (Surtout attribut) Être coupable d un délit (⇒ délinquant) , d un crime (⇒ criminel) . Se rendre coupable d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • JURAMENTUM — in iudiciis et actionrbus, apud omnes semper gentes, cum circalitigantes, tum circa testes, non exigui usûs fuit: Unde Arist. μετα θείας παραλήφεως φάσις ἀναποδεικτος, cum divina sibi assumptione Dictio non demonstrabilis, Rhetoric. ad Alex.c. 18 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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