liberum maritagium — /libaram m?erateyj(iy)am/ In old English law, frank marriage … Black's law dictionary
liberum maritagium — /libaram m?erateyj(iy)am/ In old English law, frank marriage … Black's law dictionary
liberum maritagium — |lēbəˌru̇mˌmärəˈtägēˌu̇m noun Etymology: Medieval Latin : frankmarriage … Useful english dictionary
maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur ubi donator vult quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — /maerateyjiyam est 6t libaram 6t sarvishiyam oblageytam; libaram maerateyjiyam disatar yuwbay daneytar valt kwod tehra sik deyta kwayiyta sit et libera abb omnay sekyaleray sarvishiyow/ A marriage portion is either free or bound to service; it is … Black's law dictionary
maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur ubi donator vult quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — /maerateyjiyam est 6t libaram 6t sarvishiyam oblageytam; libaram maerateyjiyam disatar yuwbay daneytar valt kwod tehra sik deyta kwayiyta sit et libera abb omnay sekyaleray sarvishiyow/ A marriage portion is either free or bound to service; it is … Black's law dictionary
Maritagium est aut liberum aut servitio obligatum; liberum maritagium dicitur obi donator volt quod terra sic data quieta sit et libera ab omni seculari servitio — Marriage is either frankmarriage or obligated with service; it is called frankmarriage when the giver wills it that land so given be secure and free from all secular service … Ballentine's law dictionary
Frank-marriage — ( liberum maritagium ), in real property law, a species of estate tail, now obsolete.When a man was seized of land in fee simple, and gave it to a daughter on marriage, the daughter and her husband were termed the donees in frank marriage,… … Wikipedia
libero maritagio — Same as liberum maritagium … Ballentine's law dictionary
frankmarriage — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: Middle English franke mariage, from Anglo French fraunk mariage, literally, free marriage : the tenure in feudal law by which a man and his wife held an estate granted by a blood relative of the wife in… … Useful english dictionary
Феодализм — Содержание [О Ф. во Франции см. соотв. ст.]. I. Сущность Ф. и его происхождение. II. Ф. в Италии. III. Ф. в Германии. IV. Ф. в Англии. V. Ф. на Пиренейском полуострове. VI. Ф. в Чехии и Моравии. VII. Ф. в Польше. VIII. Ф. в России. IX. Ф. в… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона