
An undue abnormal excitation of the passions or feelings, or the impairment of the capacity to think and act correctly and efficiently. 30 Am J Rev ed Intox L § 21. As a ground for cancellation of a contract, such an impairment of capacity as deprives a person of reason and renders him bereft of the power to understand the nature and effect of his act in the transaction. 29 Am J Rev ed Ins Per § 83. A state of inebriation or drunkenness. That state or condition of a person which inevitably follows from taking excessive quantities of an intoxicant. 30 Am J Rev ed Intox L § 21. To some persons, being under the influence of an intoxicant to such an extent as to render one helpless; to other persons, a person even only slightly under such influence. 30 Am J Rev ed Intox L § 21. See habitual drunkenness; involuntary intoxication.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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