Institutes of Coke

Institutes of Coke
A treatise on the common law which was written in four volumes by Sir Edward Coke. The first volume is an extensive comment on the treatise on tenures which was compiled by Judge Littleton in the reign of Edward the Fourth, and is cited as Coke's Littleton, abbreviated "Co. Litt." or "1 Inst." The second volume is a comment on many old acts of parliament. The third is a treatise of the pleas of the crown; and the fourth is an account of the several species of courts. The three volumes following the first are cited respectively as "2 Inst.," "3 Inst.," and "4 Inst."

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Coke — (spr. kohk), Sir Edward, engl. Rechtsgelehrter, geb. 1. Febr. 1552 zu Mileham (Norfolk), unter Jakob I. Oberrichter der King s Bench und Mitglied des Geheimen Rates, 1616 dieser Ämter entsetzt, im Unterhause ein Hauptverteidiger der… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Coke, Sir Edward — born Feb. 1, 1552, Mileham, Norfolk, Eng. died Sept. 3, 1634, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire British jurist and politician. He became a lawyer in 1578 and was made solicitor general in 1592. His advance to the position of attorney general (1594)… …   Universalium

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  • Institutes of Lord Coke — The name of four volumes by Lord Coke, published A.D. 1628. The first is an extensive comment upon a treatise on tenures, compiled by Littleton, a judge of the common pleas, temp. Edward IV. This comment is a rich mine of valuable commonlaw… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Institutes of Lord Coke — The name of four volumes by Lord Coke, published A.D. 1628. The first is an extensive comment upon a treatise on tenures, compiled by Littleton, a judge of the common pleas, temp. Edward IV. This comment is a rich mine of valuable commonlaw… …   Black's law dictionary

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