
In strict usage, the taking of property by descent or intestate succession. In common parlance, the taking of real or personal property by either will or intestate succession. 28 Am J Rev ed Inher T § 8; 57 Am J1st Wills § 1329. An estate which has descended to the heir and has been cast upon him by the single operation of law. Estate of Donahue, 36 Cal 329. Property inherited; in common usage, property acquired by descent or through a will. As used in a provision of the Bankruptcy Act that all property which vests in the bankrupt within six months after bankruptcy by bequest, devise, or "inheritance" shall vest in the trustee, the word is confined to property, both real and personal, coming to the bankrupt by intestate succession and is not to be distorted by making it apply to something that accrues as a result of a death but is not acquired through intestate succession. Thus, the word, could not include a recovery under the Federal Employers' Liability Act. Friedman v McHugh, 168 F2d 350, 11 ALR2d 733. See descent; words of inheritance.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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