
In the most common usage, the expression of a choice by the voters of a body politic, or the means by which a choice is made by the electors. State ex rel. La Follette v Kohler, 200 Wis 518, 228 NW 895, 69 ALR 348. Precisely, a choosing or selection, by those having a right to participate, of persons to fill public offices or of public measures which shall be adopted or rejected. 25 Am J2d Elect § 1. The choosing of a public officer by an organized body, such as the legislature of a state. Speed & Worthington v Crawford, 60 Ky (3 Met) 207, 211. The designation of corporate directors by the vote of the stockholders and the designation of corporate officers by the vote of the directors. 19 Am J2d Corp §§ 1081, 1082. In an abstract sense, a choice between two or more substantive rights, either one or any one of which may be asserted at the will of the person making the choice, which are so inconsistent that a choice once made is binding upon beyond recall. Wilhorn Builders v Cortaro Management Co. 81 Ariz 381, 307 P2d 94, supp op 82 Ariz 48, 308 P2d 251. The choice which a person must make between the acceptance of a benefit under an instrument, and the retention of some property already his own, which the same instrument purports to dispose of to another. McDermid v Bourhill 101 Or 305, 199 P 610, 22 ALR 428, 433. The right or privilege, accorded by statute in some states to the eldest heir, if of age, of taking the whole estate of the deceased ancestor, upon paying to the others their just proportions of the value in money. If the eldest refuse, the next eldest succeeds to the right of election until all the adults have enjoyed the opportunity of election. If all refuse, the property is sold and the proceeds divided. Catlin v Catlin, 60 Md 573, 575. The doctrine of election is applicable to a taxpayer having a choice of two legal methods of computing his tax and having chosen one he is not permitted to change his mind to the detriment of the revenue. Ross v Commissioner (CA 1) 169 F2d 483, 7 ALR2d 719. See corrupt practices acts; cumulative voting; general election; primary election; referendum; registration; special election; suffrage.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • élection — [ elɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1135; lat. electio « choix », du supin de eligere → élire 1 ♦ Vx Choix. Mod. (Dr.) Élection de domicile. Théol. Choix préférentiel de Dieu. Le peuple d élection : le peuple élu, les Juifs. Cour. La patrie d élection, celle… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Election — • In its broadest sense election means a choice among many persons, things, or sides to be taken. In the stricter juridical sense it means the choice of one person among many for a definite charge or function Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • election — elec·tion n 1 a: the act or process of electing b: an instance of the electorate voting for candidates for an elective office c: the fact of being elected 2: the right, power, or privilege of making a choice: as a: the right of a spouse to choose …   Law dictionary

  • élection — ÉLECTION. s. fém. Action d élire. Choix fait par plusieurs personnes, Corps ou Communes, au concours des suffrages. Faire une élection. Approuver, confirmer une élection. L élection de l Empereur se fit un tel jour. Il donna sa voix pour l… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • election — Election. s. f. v. Choix. Faire une bonne election. approuver, confirmer une election. je vous en laisse l election. l election de l Empereur se fit un tel jour. il donna sa voix pour l election de. assister à une election. faire une election. On …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • election — e‧lec‧tion [ɪˈlekʆn] noun 1. [countable] when people vote to choose someone for a job: • She was nominated to stand for election as a Coca Cola director. • Mr Morrow is also up for election to the board of directors at a rival Chicago bank. 2.… …   Financial and business terms

  • Election — E*lec tion, n. [F. [ e]lection, L. electio, fr. eligere to choose out. See {Elect}, a.] 1. The act of choosing; choice; selection. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Election 2 — (黑社會以和為貴) est un film hongkongais réalisé par Johnnie To, sorti en 2006. C est la suite d Election, sorti l année précédente. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution …   Wikipédia en Français

  • election — Election, Electio. Election libre, Soluta optio eligendi. Election premiere, faisant jugement à la deuxiesme, Praerogatiua tribus. L election des Preteurs, Praetoriana comitia …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • election — [ē lek′shən, ilek′shən] n. [ME eleccioun < OFr election < L electio, a choice, in LL(Ec), the election of believers: see ELECT] 1. a choosing or choice 2. a) a choosing or being chosen for office by vote b) a voting, as in a municipality,… …   English World dictionary

  • election — (n.) late 13c., from Anglo Fr. eleccioun, O.Fr. elecion choice, election, selection (12c.), from L. electionem (nom. electio), noun of action from pp. stem of eligere pick out, select, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + ligere, comb. form of legere …   Etymology dictionary

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