
A deanery; the jurisdiction of a dean.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • decanatus — /dekaneytas/ A deanery. A company of ten persons. Also (and in this sense sometimes spelled Decania, or Decana), a town or tithing, consisting originally of ten families of freeholders. Ten tithings compose a hundred. 1 Bl.Comm. 114 …   Black's law dictionary

  • decanatus — /dekaneytas/ A deanery. A company of ten persons. Also (and in this sense sometimes spelled Decania, or Decana), a town or tithing, consisting originally of ten families of freeholders. Ten tithings compose a hundred. 1 Bl.Comm. 114 …   Black's law dictionary

  • décanat — [ dekana ] n. m. • 1650; lat. ecclés. decanatus, de decanus → doyen ♦ Didact. Dignité, fonction de doyen. Le décanat d une église cathédrale. Le décanat d une faculté. Durée de cette fonction. ● décanat nom masculin (latin ecclésiastique… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • decanat — DECANÁT, decanate, s.n. 1. Demnitatea de decan; birourile unde lucrează decanul (şi personalul ajutător). 2. Organul de conducere al unei facultăţi. – Din fr. décanat, lat. decanatus. cf. germ. D e k a n a t . Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa …   Dicționar Român

  • Dekanat — De|ka|nat 〈n. 11〉 Verwaltung einer Fakultät, Amt od. Bezirk eines Dekans * * * De|ka|nat, das; [e]s, e: 1. [mlat. decanatus] Amt, Bezirk eines Dekans; vgl. ↑ Dechanat. 2. Verwaltung einer Fakultät od. eines Fachbereichs an einer Universität. * *… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Dechanat — De|cha|nat [dɛç… ], Dekanat, das; [e]s, e [mlat. decanatus, zu: decanus, ↑ Dekan]: Amt od. Amtsbereich (Sprengel) eines Dechanten. * * * De|cha|nat, Dekanat, das; [e]s, e [mlat. decanatus, zu: decanus, ↑Dekan]: Amt od. Amtsbereich (Sprengel)… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • VIDULA — fluv. Galliae, LA VESLE. Oritur in media Campania, 3. leuc. a Catalauno in Ortum apud vicum, qui ob id Summus Vidula, vulgo Somme Vele, dicitur. Dein auctus aliquot minoribus fluviis, postquam Spinam, Novam Villam, Luperciacum Louvercy,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • doyenné — Doyenné, Decanatus huius decanatus …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo — Infobox University image size= name=Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo motto= Neo Mundi Decanatus (Latin) mottoeng=Dean of the New World established=1538 type=Public calendar= Semester president=Franklin García Fermín city = Santo Domingo… …   Wikipedia

  • Ernle — was the surname of an English gentry or landed family descended from the lords of the manor of Earnley in Sussex who derived their surname from the place where their estates lay. Origins OnomasticOnomasticians say that the surname s origin, in… …   Wikipedia

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